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For many years Munro & Noble have advised clients in all aspects of child law, children’s rights and matters concerning children and young people in Scotland. We have a strong team in place to support you. Mary Nimmo is regularly appointed by the Sheriffs of Highland and Islands as a Court Reporter to make recommendations to the Courts regarding child related matters. In addition, she is regularly appointed as Curatrix ad Litem to protect and safeguard childrens’ interests in the courts and through the Children’s Hearing system.
Child law can be a distressing and upsetting area of the law. Munro & Noble have solicitors on hand who can draw on years of experience and expertise to assist with all child related matters. We can provide advice in connection with adoptions, permanence orders as well as in relation to contact, residence, child relocation, specific issue orders, child maintenance and parental rights and responsibilities.
Child related disputes can arise in many different situations such as health matters, education, holidays, attendance at events and the removal of children. Child relocation cases centre around proposals to change a child’s geographical place of residence. This can mean a change within the UK and it is particularly relevant in the Highlands & Islands given our geography. We are here to advise you as to the law in Scotland, whilst always being mindful of the best interest of your child or children. If you reasonably fear your child is going to be removed, it is essential you act quickly. Here at Munro & Noble we can give advice on how to prevent your child’s removal. If your child has been removed from the country without your consent this can amount to International Child Abduction. Our solicitors can give you urgent advice as to the remedies available to you and ask the Courts for the urgent and safe return of your child or children.
We focus our efforts upon alternative dispute resolution wherever possible. Our main aim is to focus upon the wellbeing of your child or children in all of the circumstances. When we cannot resolve matters by negotiating then we can assist you in brining matters before the Courts urgently.
Paternity of a Child. In certain circumstances, the question of a child’s paternity requires to be established. This is done by undergoing DNA testing. A person cannot be forced into undergoing a paternity test, the Courts can only request that they do so and thereafter draw an inference if they do so. We can advise you as to the process and the law contained within The Childrens (Scotland) Act 1995.
Grandparent’s Rights. Every family is different and the dynamics can change particularly during difficult times. We are here to provide help and support. We will advise you of the your options and guide you through matters. As grandparents do not have the same rights as a child’s parents. However, you do have an interest in the life of your grandchild which means you may be able to raise a court action if you are being prevented from your grandchild’s life without adequate reason. The Court will look at all of the circumstances and background but will ultimately decided based upon the best interests of the child.
Click on this link to download a PDF leaflet on Child Law.